Photographing Momo: A Portrait Series of the Speed Demon Shaking Up the Racing World

Meet Morgan, the speed demon who's shaking up the racing world! But she's not just any racer – she's affectionately known as "Momo" to her fans and has her own trailer, not to mention three race cars at her disposal. And the best part? Her family is right there with her, cheering her on every step of the way.

Momo is a force to be reckoned with, breaking all the stereotypes and showing the world that girls can do anything they set their minds to. I had the honor of photographing her in action at the Montgomery County Quarter Midget Race Club.

Watching Momo and her family work together to bring my vision to life was an unforgettable experience. They showed me what true teamwork and passion can achieve, and I couldn't help but feel inspired by their dedication and hard work.

Momo, you are a true inspiration and it was an absolute pleasure to photograph you in your element. You left a lasting impression on me that I won't soon forget!

girl race car driver sitting on her car with pink and purple smoke bombs

World Social Media Day 2022


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